Wednesday, July 31, 2019

How Media Affects Society Essay

How The Media Affects Society The media is undoubtedly a significant and influential aspect in modern day society. As a means of communication in a world very much advanced in technology, the media touches all types of people through various forms such as the radio, newspapers, televisions etc. The question remains: what information is left unbiased and untarnished? The people within society must sort through the many bits of information fed to them and unfortunately, in most cases, all bits of media is taken as the whole truth. The ways in which media impacts society to a great extent are through the facts it chooses to reveal, as recently seen in the case of the Tamil war in Sri Lanka. The tone in which it is presented such as the recently reported cases of Tamil protest on the streets of downtown Toronto and finally in the manner it chooses to target certain audiences, such as the case of Victoria George-Pazzano in Mexico. The media affects society through the facts it chooses to reveal. The media can choose to mention certain things and not to mention certain things. As seen in the recent Tamil war in Sri Lanka all mainstream media outlets were banned from broadcasting out of the country. The media then proceeded not to broadcast any of it, leaving people unaware of it on a global scale, until the Tamils outside of Sri Lanka began to protest and make other countries aware of the situation. The media chose not to reveal this information and if it was not for the protest and marches held around the world it is possible, that society could have never known that genocide was being used against the Tamil Tigers. Society needs the media to be informed on the events happening around the world, but sometimes the media may not choose to show us what is exactly going on. This can result in society not knowing how to react to what is happening in other parts of the world. Just as important as the facts the media chooses to reveal, the tone and manner in which the media presents these facts plays a large role on society’s take on events. The tone in which the media presents the facts in can be hostile, neutral or in favour. The tone can affect society’s view on the situation, resulting in either a positive or negative reaction. As seen on May 10th when thousands of Tamils met on Toronto’s Gardiner Expressway, for almost 4 hours shutting down a key artery in the city’s road network. If the media had said, â€Å"The Tamil protesters are keeping Torontonians hostage in their own city† vs â€Å"The Tamil protesters are bravely doing what needs to be done to save their families†. This could have resulted in Toronto turning against the Tamil community and possibly resulting in hate crimes, but instead the tone of the media was in favour of the protesters. Which has resulted in a positive reaction from Toronto and the Canadian government. The tone in which the facts are presented by the media, can easily change the point of view of the consumer, and can have either a positive or negative reaction regardless of the truth behind the facts. Lastly, the media uses its voice to target certain audiences for certain reactions. Who can the media target? In the case of Victoria George-Pazzano, a 29 year old woman who suffered a severe asthma attack while on vacation in Mexico became critically ill. Victoria’s family pleaded to the Canadian government and Ontario hospitals to bring her home,but were continuously told that there were no beds and doctors available to treat in all of Ontario. The family of Victoria then pleaded there case to the media, who in return targeted the government officials and found out that either the hospitals or the officials were lying to Victoria’s family because there were more than 20 beds available at the time. Because the media targeted the government with the right tone and direction of attention, the heat was put on the government for action because all of the attention was affecting there reputation. Without the media Attention, Victoria George-Pazzano would have died in a hospital bed in Cancun Mexico because the government of Canada pushed her aside. With these three weapons at the media’s disposal, namely the facts it chooses to reveal, the perspective it chooses to take and the people it wishes to target. The media holds a great deal of power and influence over society. Of course, it may be for a positive effect or a negative one. Would one rather live in fear of all the rapes, assaults, robberies and murders that are reported or live happy, not knowing about every crime that takes place? That is another debate altogether. But, one thing is for certain: the people should not live blindly at the word and mercy of the media or another. There should always be room for doubt, speculation and of course one’s own opinions. Although the media may carry a great influence over society, each person is entitled to think for oneself.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Norm Violation Essay

Brenda Mora 4 October 2011 SOC 101-3003 Norm Violation Exercise The norm violation exercise that I decided to experiment with was invasion of space. My plan was to go up to random people in small groups of three or four and ask one of them for help, thank them, hug them, and walk away; my friend thought it sounded like fun so he volunteered to perform the encounters. If somebody I didn’t know came up and hugged me for no apparent reason I would most likely think they were either weird or drunk. For this reason I decided to do this particular experiment.Most of the people my friend hugged did not react in the way I predicted. I decided to carry out the experiment at the Wal-Mart on Charleston and Decatur since it’s close to where we both live and it is never scarce in people. We enacted the experiment in different sections of the store since there were more dense amounts of people in certain areas. The areas where we performed the experiment were in the electronics depar tment, the home decorations department, the food section, and the cash register section.The electronics department had plenty of people, males in particular, I was especially eager to see the feedback of the men in this section since my friend is a guy. The home decorations department had plenty of females; the food and cash register sections had a mixture of both genders. The first person we approached was a male Wal-Mart sales associate arranging phone displays in the electronics department. We both went up to him and my friend asked him where the exercising equipment was located, he responded and pointed us in the direction, as I walked my friend thanked him and gave him a big bear hug.The sales associate let my friend hug him, patted his back, laughed, and starred at us in an awkward manner as we left. He didn’t have much reaction to my friend hugging him. It didn’t seem to have bothered him, as soon as we left he simply returned to his work. The second encounter i nvolved a man with his wife and son and what seemed to be one of their friends or relative which also occurred in the electronics department. My friend went up to them as I stood behind a magazine rack and he asked the woman’s husband if he could point him in the direction of the clothing department.The man gave my friend directions and just as he was returning to the conversation between his friend and wife, my friend quickly put his arms around the slightly large man and embraced him for about three seconds before he let go, thanked him, and walked away. As my friend walked away I noticed the man simply and quickly returned to his conversation as if nothing had happened. His wife and friend starred at my friend as he walked away and laughed as if they still couldn’t believe what had just happened.The third and fourth group of people that we encountered took place in the home decorations section of the store. Both groups were all women; one group consisted of two wome n and the other group of three young women. The first group of two women seemed to have been a mother and a middle aged daughter, my friend approached the women and asked for their opinion on an item, the daughter answered him but before she could go back to her business he hugged her, I noticed a frightened expression on her face and my friend told me he noticed she held on to her mother’s arm as he hugged her.The second group of women were also asked for their opinion on a Halloween decoration, the girl told my friend what she thought and before she could get back to her business he hugged her. One of the two girls with her asked her if she knew him and the other girl laughed and starred at my friend, the girl herself couldnt believed it and she even blushed a bit.The fifth and sixth encounter took place in the food and cash register section with a distinct group of people; the first was a family of three consisting of a husband, wife and child and the second of two female Wal-Mart sales associates surrounded by people in line waiting to pay for their groceries. The family of three were choosing their food when my friend approached the husband and asked him if he could reach something from the top shelf for him since he was exceedingly tall, the man gladly agreed and my friend thanked him and quickly hugged him.The wife laughed while the child took no notice and as my friend walked away the man stopped him and said â€Å"Your welcome, man†, this was the first time anybody had responded to his action. The second group of females at the cash register were helping customers when my friend approached them and asked for help, one of them gave him directions and began about her business when he hugged her, she laughed and went back to what she was doing.However, her co-worker did not approve and gave my friend a cold stare as he walked away, the people waiting in line laughed for three seconds, gave a few stares, and went back to their business. The last group of people were two males, an older and younger brother who were testing out video games in the electronics section. My friend walked up, stood next to them and asked for their opinion on a video game, the older boy answered my friend and as soon as he finished my friend hugged him and quickly walked away.As he walked away I observed the younger boys face which expressed how much he couldn’t believe it, the older boy didn’t laugh at first but then he came around, shook his head, laughed and walked away. My friend said that as he hugged the boy he went stiff and said â€Å"whoa†, as if he tried to tell him to back off, but no words could come out. This boys reaction was my favorite because the expression on his face said let me go but at the same time he seemed scared as if my friend would hurt him if he said anything.This experiment was interesting because of all of the different reactions that I saw. I did not expect for most of the reactions to resul t in the same way. I hoped for somebody to speak up and ask what my friend’s problem was but nobody seemed to care much. The only reactions that truly caught my attention were the three females where one of them blushed and the group with the older and younger brother where the older brother tried to speak up but couldn’t. Besides a few cold stares, there were no severe consequences.

Monday, July 29, 2019

A summary of the Chapter ‘We Cheer Jim Up

In the chapter ‘We Cheer Jim Up,’ Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer are faced with the challenge of stealing Jim from Tom’s Aunt Sally Phelp’s plantation without being caught. The fact that they have to dig Jim out of a small, dark shack does make this task much harder for the two boys, especially since it is guarded with dogs and other African American slaves. Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer both scheme together to come up with a brilliant plan. They even lie to a slave about their relation to Jim, so to keep their actual friendship with Jim, and their plot to free him, secret. Â  In this chapter, Huck actually feels extremely guilty for committing a sin—stealing some-one’s slave. Normally, Huck enjoys the thrill of living on the edge and engaging in unlawful activities. However, he suddenly feels very apprehensive about this act he and Tom are about to commit and even questions Tom about this. Â  His experience of being held hostage by his drunken father has also enabled Huck to cope and deal with difficult situations in a more mature manner than when he lived with the widow. Nevertheless, Huck is faced with a personal conflict within himself. While he desperately wants to free Jim, he is bothered by the potential consequences that he and, especially Jim, will have to face if caught. A main theme being developed in this chapter is the idea of superstition. The slave that takes Huck and Tom to the shack to see Jim talks about nothing but witches and how he is constantly pestered by their voices. Every sound he hears, he believes it is the witches returning to trouble him. This chapter also introduces one powerful symbol. One might say that the tiny shack symbolizes the bondage African American people experienced on plantation farms back in those days. The darkness and dismal conditions of the shack where Jim was chained and confound also represents the cruel treatment run-away slaves, and African slaves in general, were treated.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Anthropological Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Anthropological - Research Proposal Example The ethical consideration in this paper is considering Micronesia as a culture and studying the group keeping in mind the sub groups and the differences between them. The field study in the research involves questions like how do the constituents of the group feel about their identity and exchange of cultures. The questions about their expression of their identity and effort to have that identity are also important. The important part of the study is to infer the answers that participants cannot answer directly. Hence, researcher should focus on sociocultural anthropology and several offshoots of the discipline as stated by Kiste Robert (2008) in ‘American Anthropology in Micronesia: An Assessment’. The inference regarding culture, language and identity is possible with the study of prehistory and anthropological linguistics and physical anthropology. The researchers should take into consideration the roles played by applied anthropology within the domain of socio cultural anthropology and archaeology on the evolution of the group with the diversities contained by its sub groups. The anthropological linguistical research is also necessary for determining the exchange and physical anthropology is necessary for major inputs in war related applied projects and other types of evolution. The cultural relativism as a basic tenet of discipline can explain how the expression of identities changes in course of time and between various sub groups in an affinity group.

Business Research Individual Work 1 Week 9 Essay

Business Research Individual Work 1 Week 9 - Essay Example CAT advances the previous technology, enables researcher to accurately report the coder reliability as well as validity, and encourages different new strategies that can be used for data analysis that are much simpler among other things. The data to be coded can be uploaded in CAT in different formats such as zip file, plain text files or even as xml-based files. With this technology, even after uploading the files that need coding, the researcher can trace the coding process and easily monitor its progress (Lu and Shulman, 2008). The other coding technological advance is the Computer Assisted Coding which is most effective on coding and data that is health related. The CAC coding technology is effective because it assists in analyzing gaps in health care, finding out the most appropriate use and costs as well as aid in providing better data results to evidence based medicine. It takes a very short time in analyzing the codes uploaded to the system which is helpful with records, it recalls the data coded within a period of six months hence enabling validation of the records and making it more reliable that traditional coding methods and it is very accurate and precise in its results (Dougherty, Seabold and White, 2013). Lastly is the barcode technology which is one of the most common ways of coding information and it is also easier to retrieve the information coded for analysis later on and discreetly for that matter as well. Information is stored in a series of white and black lines which are codes with numbers which represents specific information about the product after it has been researched. A barcode scanner then reads and translates the bar code into textual information which can then be analyzed or compared to others. This type of coding technology can be used in any setting from healthcare to the food industry to clothes industry among many others. There are

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The significance of empowerment and partnerships within the purview of Essay

The significance of empowerment and partnerships within the purview of the Social Work practice - Essay Example Also I will review the code of ethics and its impact on the practice of Social Work. Through the use of various literatures, I will examine the use of skills and values in Social Work practice as it affects service users, carers and other professionals. The Social Work profession promotes social change, problem solving in human relationships and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-being. Utilising theories of human behaviour and social systems, Social Work intervenes at the points where people interact with their environments. Principles of human rights and social justice are fundamental to Social Work. (Bolton, 2003:2). It applies to Social Work practitioners and educators in every region and country in the world. In a similar vein, Wikipedia Encyclopedia (2006) states that a Social Worker is a "professionally trained person employed in the administration of charity, social service, welfare, and poverty agencies, advocacy, or religious outreach programs". Social Workers are employed by health agencies or just work voluntarily with communities; however a large number of Social Workers are employed by the government. I. Child, family, and school social workers: these are the workers who find foster homes for abused or neglected children. They also provide assistance to parents teaching them how to care for their children better. Most Social Workers in schools work as 'guidance counsellors' and offer students and teachers advice about learning, behavior and social problems, like bullying or shyness. II. Medical and public health Social Workers: these are the Social Workers who work in the health sector directly or indirectly helping people who are sick or who have had health problems for a long period of time. They give advice families about how to deal with their sick. III. Mental health and substance abuse Social Workers: clinical social workers as they sometimes called help people who are challenged with mental illness, upset feelings, or drug or alcohol abuse. They organize sessions involving talking- therapy with people in order to identify their problems and teach classes about how to make a budget, deal with anger, or get other life skills. No matter their focus, most Social Workers spend the day in an office and some are volunteers who have their own businesses or hold other job but have a passion for the work. Skills in Social Work. A skill is defined as the "ability to do something well and is usually gained through training or experience" (Encarta, 2005). Skills in Social Work can therefore be described as the relevant experience or ability needed to perform the functions of the profession. In her book Social skills, author Pamela Trevithick (2000) writes that "skills can be used in practice to enhance effectiveness and help

Friday, July 26, 2019

The Effect of Faculty Mentoring on the Retention of first generation Dissertation

The Effect of Faculty Mentoring on the Retention of first generation college students - Dissertation Example Thereafter, in the second semester, the teachers resort to usual mentoring practices, and the variation in the above factors are recorded both quantitatively and qualitatively. Population sample As is evident, MNC is a Hispanic majority (95%) institution with only 2% Blacks and 1% Whites. In addition, the age of the students range from 18 to 24 years. For the purpose of this study, 30 first generation students and 30 non-first generation first year students will be selected who will be divided into four 15 member groups; that is, a group with Hispanic and Black first generation students, a group with White first generation students, one group of White non-first generation students, and the last groups with Hispanic and Black non-first generation students. In addition, 5 teachers will be selected to self-report their ideas and observations on mentoring and student retention over the period of this study. The teachers will be given explicit guidelines on what activities and approaches should the students be deprived of in the first semester and be provided in the second semester. Collecting GPA In the first semester of the study, the students’ GPA will be collected in all four groups after depriving them of any mentoring. In the second semester, the teachers will start mentoring activities like student support, seminars, advices, and counseling, and then, the students’ GPA is recorded at the end of the semester. Questionnaire This study also intends to use a questionnaire among the students that will show the students’ own reflection on their experience in both the semesters. The questions asked will be as follows: (a) Do you feel a variation in your confidence level after you joined MNC? (b) Do you think the improvement took place in the first or second semester? (c) Is the improvement in confidence and performance because of mentoring? (d) Do you think the teacher mentoring is effective? (e) Do you wish to re-enroll for the next semester? I n addition, there will be a separate questionnaire for teachers to fill at the beginning and end of each semester. The questions will be as follows: (a) What activities did you perform in the last semester for mentoring? (b) Do you feel there is a rise in the confidence level and academic performance of students? (c) Is there an observable rise or fall in student re-enrollment due to mentoring or non-mentoring? Interview with students At the beginning and end of each semester, there will be a face-to-face interview with the selected students from all four groups. The interview at the beginning of the first semester will contain the following questions: (a) What are your doubts and fears about joining MNC? (b) Do you feel confident enough to continue to the next semester? The interview at the end of the first semester will concentrate on the following questions: (a) What doubts and fears do you have about studying at MNC? (b) How did you feel about the fist semester study at MNC? (c) Do you feel confident enough to continue to the second semester of study? The next interview at the end of the second semester will contain the following questions: (a) What doubts and fears do you have about studying at MNC? (b) Do you feel confident enough to continue to the next semester? (c) Do you think the mentoring program raised you confidence and resulted in you retention? Observation of student participation in

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Geography of water and energy resources Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4

Geography of water and energy resources - Essay Example In effect, Kuwait has a per capita income of approximately $60,541, which is higher than the per capita income in all G7 countries. Qatar has a per capita income that is over $93,000 because it has a low population and a very high GDP (Central Intelligence Agency, n.d.). In a summary, the Middle East OPEC members with low per capita income are the nations with a large population of Iran and Iraq. Despite the fact the G7 countries register high GDP that are above the $1 trillion mark, the Middle East OPEC members rival them on the distribution of wealth due to their small population and large revenue from oil. In most cases, Middle East OPEC members are viewed a struggling nations with no power to rival to the G7 countries. The reality is that citizens of small countries like Kuwait, Qatar, and UAE enjoy higher per capita income more than most G7 members. The only OPEC member that is considered poor is Iraq. It has per capita income that is lower than ten thousand dollars, which is the most inferior in all Middle East OPEC

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Politics is all about gaining and maintaining power. Do you agree Be Essay

Politics is all about gaining and maintaining power. Do you agree Be sure to provide examples and discuss alternative views - Essay Example This allows the leaders to exercise administrative control of some or all communal resources, together with labor and capital. Maintaining political power has been a reality in many organizations, and while this practice might superficially come out to be wasted time, it is essential in securing resources, development of ideas, achievement of individual goals, and frequently improving one’s status. It is immature to look forward to being able to be detached from managerial politics, since it is the offspring of maintaining political power. Someone might gain respect for doing so, but the development would be limited and regarded as an uncomplicated target. A ruler like Machiavelli practiced politics in such a way that he had to maintain his prowess. Those who yearn for power in any state of affairs may ape his strategies for unyielding aid. In his own words he used to say that a leader "...must stick to the good so long as he can, but, being compelled be necessity, he must be ready to take the way of the evil."(Machiavelli, 63). My objective in this essay is to explore the notion that politics is ent irely about gaining and maintaining power, and by citing potential examples, this would come out clearly. Power can be classified into three forms. Coercive Power: this involves forcing somebody to act in accordance with ones wish. A prison would be a case in point of a coercive organization. Utilitarian Power: this is the power based on a scheme of rewards or penalties. Businesses, which pay increments, promotions, or threats of removal from office, are practically, utilitarian organizations. Normative Power: this is power which rests on the values of the members, and that the organization has a right to manage their actions. A religious organization would be an illustration of a utilitarian organization. Ways in which political enthusiasts acquire possession of such power. At the national level, political authority for political power is seized by the

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The Value of Ethical Theories for Providing Moral Decisions Essay

The Value of Ethical Theories for Providing Moral Decisions - Essay Example When a person tries to achieve something with a help of cheating, he exposes weakness and inability to reach the goal with own strength. Such person shows the lack of any respect to the sport rules and regulations. The most important thing for him is a victory, disregarding the ways of getting it. However, real sportsman is able to cherish winning as well as the process of competition and game per se equally, because only in a fair game it is possible to enjoy the moment of victory in the fullest way. The queries of breaking rules are the problems of neglect of sport ethics along with existence of weak moral principles.In addition to personal understanding of what is acceptable and what is not, there is also a matter of existed NCAA rules that seem to be not effective. In this respect, it is very essential to provide higher academic standards with reviewed rule book and set new parameters for athletic scholarships. As Nevin Shapiro stated, â€Å"I did it because I could and because nobody stepped in to stop me†. It is well known that NCAA can not control boosters, donators and mentors, but players, coaches and their assistants should be always under careful watch. The consequences of the Miami’s scandal lie not on the players, who, perhaps, due to own young age did not realize what they were doing, but on coaches, who overlooked the situation or merely concealed it.Consequently, for not losing self-respect and recognition of surrounded people, it is vital to comply with main rules in a fair sport competition.

We Are Not Responsible for Our Actions Essay Example for Free

We Are Not Responsible for Our Actions Essay Critically asses the view that we are not responsible for our actions Is it true that the society we live in, we have the right to make and produce our own decisions and its purely down to each individual to any actions they produce? In this essay I will explore if we have the right to be responsible for any action we take. Some may believe its down to God and his decisions, obviously, this cannot be proved, however surely each human have the right to be responsible for any actions. This question comes down to; do we have free will or is it determinism? A key case which questioned this question would be the Darrow trial. Successfully, the Lawyer was able to reduce the death penalty to life imprisonment, blaming that it was other factors such as power that made them do this action. He therefore believed that we are all not responsible for our action other factors must also be responsible not purl down to that individual. A prime example of an ethical theory which backs up this trial is Determinism. This means all our actions all have prior causes going back to the first cause which is God, therefore any evil action is inevitable. Determinism states that freedom of choice is just an illusion and so personal responsibility is a meaningless concept, as are the blame and punishment. This sort of determinism would be hard determinism. Therefore, determinism followers would reject that we have free will. Hard determinism followers such as John Hospers said that there is always something which compels each human to externally and internally perform an action that we would consider was the result of our own free will. He says â€Å"it is all a matter of luck†. Hospers would strongly agree that we are not responsible for any actions. He believes in other factors. Carrying on from this, behaviourism is an extreme modern version of hard determinism. It states that all our actions are due to the social conditioning and subconscious influences. John B. Watson discussed psychological behaviourism. He suggested that our behaviour is influenced by heredity and environment. By manipulating the environment an individual’s behaviour can be alerted. All theories of determinism are influenced by Isaac Newton’s physics.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Gender roles in language acquisition Essay Example for Free

Gender roles in language acquisition Essay We reprimand our daughters for being bossy and praise our sons for showing such assertiveness. These were the sentiments expressed during Sheryl Sandburg book promotion tour in early 2013. Mrs Sandberg is largely accepted as one of the most successful female businessperson in modern society. During her many lectures and academic interviews she essentially cited her success as the result of going against the gender norm for women. Although specifically referring to the business world, does Sheryl have a point? Are we reinforcing gender roles in the words we promote and discourage our children to use? It is largely accepted across both linguistic and psychology fields that girls develop their language skill in: understands, quantity, quality and range of vocabulary acquired at an earlier age and faster rate than their male counterparts. A very recent study by Rikard Bauman in 2010 (Stockholm University Press) explored vocabulary growth and language production in pre-school children. It is suggested that at 22 months girls have a more extensive vocabulary than boys due to capacity differences; however, at 34 months such a pattern cannot be found. Furthermore it is suggested that gender affects language production in the sense that male and female speakers will prefer to produce words that are associated with their culture’s definition of masculinity and femininity. The study on vocabulary growth is based on the assumption that TTR (type/token ratio) reflects vocabulary size and it proves that, at 22 months, girls have a more extensive vocabulary than boys; however, at 34 months such a pattern is less obvious, if any conclusion can be drawn it is that boys have a slightly larger vocabulary than girls. The study on language production is focused on verb production and it shows that boys and girls prefer verbs that are associated with common stereotypes of masculinity and femininity. It seems that these gender distinctions are not unique to the English language or the Western world as Found when examining the Japanese language. according to Eleanor Harz Jorden, when learning language in Japan children learn that there are some words and some grammatical constructions that are associated explicitly with men or boys, while others are associated with women or girls. Such differences are sometimes called gendered language. In Japanese, speech patterns associated with women are referred to as onna kotoba (womens words) or joseigo , womens language). In general, the words and speech patterns associated with men are seen as rough, vulgar, or abrupt, while those associated with women are considered more polite, more deferential, or softer. Some linguists consider the rough/soft continuum more accurate than the male/female continuum. For example, Eleanor Harz Jorden in Japanese: The Spoken Language refers to the styles as blunt/gentle, rather than male/female. There are no gender differences in written Japanese (except in quoted speech), and almost no differences in polite speech (teineigo), since males take on softer speech, except for the fact that women may be more likely to use polite speech in the first place. The word onnarashii , which is usually translated as ladylike or feminine, refers to the behaviour expected of a typical Japanese woman. As well as behaving in particular ways, being onnarashii means conforming to particular styles of speech. Some of the features of women’s speech include speaking in a higher register, using more polite forms and using polite speech or honorifics in more situations, and referring to themselves and those they address more formally. Some linguistic features commonly associated with women include omission of the copula da, the use of personal pronouns such as watashi or atashi among others, use of feminine sentence-final particles such as wa, na no, kashira, and mashoo, and the more frequent use of the honorific prefixes o and go. According to Katsue Akiba Reynolds, ladylike speech is instrumental in keeping Japanese women in traditional roles and reflects Japanese society’s concept of the difference between women and men.[4] For example, there is the potential for conflict for women in the workplace in that, to be onnarashii, a woman must speak politely, submissively and humbly, yet to command respect as a superior, she must be assertive, self-assured, and direct, even when dealing with male subordinates. Actual language used by Japanese-speaking women differs from these ideals. Such onnarashii speech is a norm that institutions such as education and media encourage women to adopt. Similarly, these forms may be prescribed for women learners by Japanese textbooks and other materials. There are, however various deviations from these norms in conversation. Although Japanese women may not follow the gender norm in speech, some linguistic studies indicate that Japanese women tend to use more honorific language than men do, which reinforces the idea of onnarashii and traditional gender roles.[5] Traditional characteristics of Japanese mens speech [edit] Just as there are modes of speaking and behaviour that are considered intrinsically feminine, there are also those that are considered intrinsically masculine. In speech, being otokorashii (manly or masculine) means speaking in a lower register, using fewer polite forms and using them in fewer situations, and using intrinsically masculine words. Research on Japanese mens speech shows greater use of neutral forms, forms not strongly associated with masculine or feminine speech, than is seen in Japanese womens speech. Scholars argue that men use typically masculine forms to assert their own authority and knowledge of themselves. Some studies of conversation between Japanese men and women show neither gender taking a more dominant position in interaction. Men, however, tend to show a self-oriented conversation style, telling stories and expressing their expertise on topics being discussed, than is typical of women in these studies. Gender differences in modern society :- As women gain an increasing leadership role in Japanese society, notions of onnarashisa and otokorashisa, that is, what is deemed appropriate behaviour for men and women, have evolved over time. Although comparatively more extreme movements call for the elimination of gender differences in the Japanese language (gender-neutral language), convergence in usage is considered unlikely and may not even be desirable. Instead, trends in actual usage indicate that women are feeling more comfortable using traditional characteristics of female speech (such as wa) while still maintaining an assertive attitude on par with men. In other words, there is a gradual decoupling of language forms and traditional cultural expectations. Although the characteristics of Japanese male speech have been largely unaffected, there has been an increasing sensitivity regarding certain usages (such as changing the terms used to refer to mature women -chan) that may be considered offensive. Regional dialect may often play a role in the expression and perception masculinity or femininity of speech in Japanese. Another recent phenomenon influencing established femininity in speech is the popularity of Okama, very feminine men as popular Geinoujin (television personalities). While homosexuality and transgenderism is still a fairly taboo subject in Japan, lesbians with male traits, or cross-dressers, are referred to as onabe or tachi. Problems for Japanese learners [edit] Without the proper instruction by fluent Japanese speakers and/or teachers, non-native persons risk learning and expressing themselves inappropriately to native Japanese. Compounding the difficulty of language acquisition, formal instruction may emphasise learning the polite forms of expression (that favour female students) while glossing over informal expression (that favour male students) and honorifics (distinguishes natives from foreigners). It is important for non-natives to be instructed by members of the same sex or be aware that mere mimicry may not have the expected results. In addition to the use of pronouns to refer to oneself and others, the use of titles also is strongly influenced by gender-based overtones and is another source of potential problems for the non-native speaker. The situation is further complicated by regional variation. For example, in many regions of Japan it is common for older men to refer to themselves as boku or older women to refer to themselves as ore. How does this relate to language spoken in the Western world? Opinion is, as is often the case, divided. AGAINST 1) other major influences Mahsa Saligheh Revisiting Age and GenderInfluence in Second Language Acquisition 2012 states, There is no doubt that language acquisition process is a complex process which involves several factors, and that this process is highly influenced due to plasticity of the brain. Furthermore, the types of memory systems involved in females and males are also have a pivotal role that makes the genders distinct. The researchers claim, age and gender, are among the factors that run in parallel with other factors that deeply influence language acquisition process such as motivation, personality, styles, strategies, gender and age. The present study attempts to investigate the last two factors: age and gender. Given the importance placed on the role on age and gender, the researchers hold they are not the necessary conditions for second language acquisition. However, the writers claim that genetically there are some benefits that can be reaped for those who begin L2 acquisition early. Furthermore, both males and females are equipped with some predetermined tendencies that would be helpful for them to acquire some aspects of language much faster and easier. 2) biological basis Mar. 5, 2008 — Although researchers have long agreed that girls have superior language abilities than boys, until now no one has clearly provided a biological basis that may account for their differences. For the first time and in unambiguous findings researchers from Northwestern University and the University of Haifa show both that, areas of the brain associated with language work harder in girls than in boys during language tasks, and that boys and girls rely on different parts of the brain when performing these tasks. Our findings which suggest that language processing is more sensory in boys and more abstract in girls could have major implications for teaching children and even provide support for advocates of single sex classrooms, said Douglas D. Burman, research associate in Northwesterns Roxelyn and Richard Pepper Department of Communication Sciences The researchers measured brain activity (using functional magnetic resonance imaging) in 31 boys and in 31 girls aged 9 to 15 as they performed spelling and writing language tasks. The tasks were delivered in two sensory modalities visual and auditory. When visually presented, the children read certain words without hearing them. Presented in an auditory mode, they heard words aloud but did not see them. Using a complex statistical model, Burman and Pepper accounted for differences associated with age, gender, type of linguistic judgment, performance accuracy and the method (written or spoken) in which words were presented. The researchers found that girls still showed significantly greater activation in language areas of the brain than boys. The information in the tasks got through to girls language areas of the brain (areas associated with abstract thinking through language). And their performance accuracy correlated with the degree of activation in some of these language areas. To their astonishment, however, this was not the case for boys. Boys accurate performance when reading words depended on how hard visual areas of the brain worked. In hearing words, boys performance depended on how hard auditory areas of the brain worked. If that pattern extends to language processing that occurs in the classroom, it could inform teaching and testing methods. Given boys sensory approach, boys might be more effectively evaluated on knowledge gained from lectures via oral tests and on knowledge gained by reading via written tests. For girls, whose language processing appears more abstract in approach, these different testing methods would appear unnecessary. One possibility is that boys have some kind of bottleneck in their sensory processes that can hold up visual or auditory information and keep it from being fed into the language areas of the brain, Burman said. This could result simply from girls developing faster than boys, in which case the differences between the sexes might disappear by adulthood. Or, an alternative explanation is that boys create visual and auditory associations such that meanings associated with a word are brought to mind simply from seeing or hearing the word. While the second explanation puts males at a disadvantage in more abstract language function, those kinds of sensory associations may have provided an evolutionary advantage for primitive men whose survival required them to quickly recognise danger-associated sights and sounds. If the pattern of females relying on an abstract language network and of males relying on sensory areas of the brain extends into adulthood (a still unresolved question) it could explain why women often provide more context and abstract representation than men. Ask a woman for directions and you may hear something like: Turn left on Main Street, go one block past the drug store, and then turn right, where theres a flower shop on one corner and a cafe across the street. Such information-laden directions may be helpful for women because all information is relevant to the abstract concept of where to turn; however, men may require only one cue and be distracted by additional information. Conclusion Alongside most if not all empirical and theoretical evidence involving human beings it is impossible to make concrete and definite conclusions. Having extrapolated the information the most obvious conclusion can only deduce Is this only evident in childhood, does the distinction disappear by adulthood or was Sandberg right in stating that the division in language between the sexes continues through life. References Burman is primary author of Sex Differences in Neural Processing of Language Among Children. Co-authored by James R. Booth (Northwestern University) and Tali Bitan (University of Haifa). Jorden, Eleanor Harz; Noda, Mari (1987). Japanese: The Spoken Language. New Haven: Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-03834-7. Siegal, Meryl; Okamoto, Shigeko (2003). Toward reconceptualizing the teaching and learning of gendered speech styles in Japanese as a Foreign Language. Japanese Language and Literature 37 (1): 49–66. Retrieved 2013-4-26. Kazuko, Ashizawa (1998). Mangajins Basic Japanese Through Comics. Weatherhill. ISBN 0-8348-0452-2. Reynolds, Katsue Akiba (1990). Female Speakers of Japanese in Transition. Aspects of Japanese Womens Language (Tokyo: Kurosio). Tanaka, Lidia (2004). Gender, Language and Culture: A Study of Japanese Television Interview Discourse. John Benjamins Publishing. ISBN 978-90-272-3079-9. Sreetharan, Cindi Sturtz (2004). Students, sarariiman (pl.), and seniors: Japanese mens use of †²manly†² speech register. Language in Society 33 (01). doi:10.1017/S0047404504031045. ISSN 0047-4045. ^ Itakura, Hiroko; Tsui, Amy B. M. (2004). Gender and conversational dominance in Japanese conversation. Language in Society 33 (02). doi:10.1017/S0047404504332033. ISSN 0047-4045.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Domestic Violence A Recurring Problem In Modern Society Criminology Essay

Domestic Violence A Recurring Problem In Modern Society Criminology Essay Discuss its causes, effects and the legal and other remedies available to deal with the problem. Analyse whether these remedies are sufficient or not and set out how you feel the issue is best dealt with. Domestic violence is undoubtedly a serious problem in modern society. Crime statistics in Ireland indicate that the Gardai record an average of twenty three incidents of domestic violence every day (Watson and Parsons 2005). However, domestic violence is certainly not a modern phenomenon. It has existed throughout the centuries but remained largely hidden and unrecorded. Traditionally, domestic violence has been considered a private matter rather than a criminal offence. Until the 19th century it was legal and socially acceptable for men to beat their wives (Dobash and Dobash 1979). Domestic violence is often associated with physical abuse only. However, research indicates that it can take different forms: physical, sexual and psychological/emotional. In the course of this essay the causes and effects of domestic violence will be explored, drawing on research carried out in Ireland and internationally. The legal and other remedies will also be outlined and evaluated. 2. Many theories have been put forward as to the causes of domestic violence. One theory is idea of circular causality (Pressman 1989). This view implies that a woman is as responsible for her own victimization as the man who assaults her. The violence is seen as something they have both created and are both responsible for modifying. Another view explains violence by reference to the mans personal history. Research shows that men who witness their parents domestic violence are three times more likely to become wife beaters and women who witness violence as children seek out abusive men because they saw their mothers being abused (Pressman 1989). Pressman (1989) suggests witnessing violence against a Mother may make sons more prone to violence themselves as adults, they may be quick to perceive conflict and slow to see non-violent alternatives for dealing with it. However, there are no firm conclusions about childhood experiences of domestic or other abuse as a cause of adult abuse or v ictimization. Pressman (1989) points out that it is not simply a matter of modelling whereby a child witnesses a set of behaviours and proceeds to replicate them: there are powerful mediating factors that can shape a variety of outcomes. She concludes that not all violent families and not all children are the same and the replication of violence from generation to generation is not inevitable (Pressman 1989). Domestic violence is often associated with alcohol consumption, but it is unclear as to whether alcohol is the root cause of this problem. Reporting 3. on a study of married couples, Leonard finds support for a causal relationship between a husbands drinking and physical abuse of wives. However, he cautions that: †¦despite the support that the current research program has provided for a causal role of alcohol on marital aggression, it would be a mistake to overstate this role. Alcohol is neither a necessary nor a sufficient cause of marital aggression. The majority of aggressive episodes occur without alcohol, and men who have behaved aggressively with alcohol have often behaved aggressively without alcohol as well. The role of alcohol†¦appears to be one of a facilitative nature, a contributing cause. (Leonard cited in Watson and Parsons 2005 p.67). In their study of domestic violence in Ireland, Watson and Parsons identify a number of triggers of abusive behaviour. A trigger is an immediate precursor to the behaviour and not necessary the ultimate cause of violence (p. 174). They found that in about two out of five cases the abusive behaviour had no specific trigger or was triggered by minor incidents. In about one third of cases abuse was associated with the consumption of alcohol. The authors conclude that the results are not strongly suggestive of a primary causal link between consumption of alcohol and incidents of domestic violence. In only one quarter of cases was alcohol consumption always involved. Similarly, Margaret Martin, director of Womens Aid, points out that while there is a strong link between alcohol abuse and domestic violence, treating or dealing with the alcoholism does not necessarily stop the violence (Martin 2009). 4. However, she does acknowledge that alcohol greatly increases the risk to a woman and has clear links to increased severity in relation to physical and sexual abuse. Other contributing factors to domestic violence include social exclusion, gender inequality, poverty and having a criminal background. A number of theorists work from the understanding that domestic abuse is caused by social structures, cultural norms and other factors that endorse or do not challenge the use of control and abuse by men against their female partners (Debonnaire et al. 2004). Pressman (1989) suggests that violence against women has persisted in our society precisely because it does not contradict cultural norms in any fundamental way. She suggests that to some degree we have all been acculturated to perceive violence as an acceptable means of exercising control. Wife abuse also reflects power differentials in our society, played out in the family. Pressman (1989) points out that the groups against whom violence is accepted are groups that are socially and economically disadvantaged including women, children, racial minorities, the poor, the mentally ill. In particular she looks at the economic inequalities that affect women and their continuing exclusion from positions of power in very many sectors o f society. According to Pressman (1989) there is an obvious link between this systematic disempowering of women and their continued victimization. Domestic violence simultaneously expresses and reinforces their 5. disempowered state. The basic problem as she sees it, is not just to end violence as a behaviour (although it is obviously important) but more importantly to alter the social arrangements that violence expresses and reinforces. Women cannot be safe when at the same time they are defined as inferior and subordinate to men. The impact of domestic violence is far reaching and complex. Domestic violence is a major cause of injury, disability and death for women worldwide. Between January 1996 and June 2005, one hundred and nine women were murdered in Ireland, seventy two of these in their own homes. In those cases which have been resolved, all were perpetrated by a man and almost half were perpetrated by the womans partner or ex-partner (Debonnaire et al. 2004). Ireland is not alone, domestic violence is one of the greatest causes of death and injury amongst women worldwide (Amnesty International, 2004). The World Health Organisation has estimated that 70 per cent of female murder victims are killed by their male partners. Their recently released World Report on Violence and Health notes that whereas men are much more likely to be attacked by a stranger or an acquaintance than by someone within their close circle of relationships†¦.one of the most common forms of violence against women is that perfor med by a husband or male partner (World Health Organisation 2001). The Council of Europe has stated that violence in the family is the major cause of death and disability for women between the 6. ages of 16 and 44 years. Domestic violence results in more death and ill- health in women than cancer or road traffic accidents (Kerr 2004). Similarly child homicide is often linked to domestic violence, where the male abuser is abusing the women and the child(ren). Children who are not being abused may be physically harmed when they try to protect parents or are caught in the crossfire (Debonnaire et al. 2004). Apart from physical injury, domestic violence is also linked to depression, post-traumatic stress disorder and other mental health problems. Both women and men who have been abused report negative emotional consequences (Watson and Parsons 2005). However, women are more likely than men to have been very frightened or distressed by this abuse and to report that the experience had a major impact on their lives (ibid. p25). Watson and Parsons also found that more women than men reported a loss of confidence. In some instances emotional abuse was found to be even more traumatic than physical attacks. Almost half of the severely abused respondents including those who had suffered severe physical or sexual abuse listed an emotional incident as being the worst thing that had happened to them (ibid. p.25). The research also found a clear link between abuse and marital breakdown. Domestic abuse can have an impact on other aspects of the victims life, including work and accommodation. Watson and Parsons found that two 7. in five of those severely abused had to take time off work, while nearly one in eight had to leave a job. In some cases it can lead to homelessness (OHalloran 2009). It is also a major cost to the exchequer in health care for the victims (Debonnaire et al. 2004). Ireland now has a network of womens support services and mens programmes, a civil and criminal justice framework, a specialist policy for the police and other elements of domestic abuse intervention. There has been public debate about effective ways of responding to and preventing domestic abuse (Task Force Report, 1997). The Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform of the government of Ireland coordinates a Steering Committee on Violence against Women. Various sub-committees of the steering committee include one focused on work with perpetrators (Debonnaire 2004).. Traditionally attempts to intervene in domestic violence focused on abused women and their children. In recent years, however, there has been a shift to include a focus on the man who has perpetrated the abuse. on the perpetrator of the abuse. New policies have been adopted which focus on pro-active forms of intervention and prosecution. As part of these interventions treatment programmes for men have been introduced. The Dulaith Abuse Intervention Project (Dulaith DAIP) was the worlds first project to place intervention programmes as part of a co-ordinated 8. community response that aimed to hold men to account for their behaviour, enhance womens safety, sanction abusers appropriately and teach men not to abuse (Debonnaire 2004). There are currently fifteen intervention programmes working with domestic abusers in Ireland. Through working with perpetrators, these organisations are trying to increase the safety, and reduce the risks to their partners and children (Debonnaire et al. 2004). Numerous evaluations of intervention programmes have been carried out. Some results appear to show that programmes had limited or no effect on mens behaviour or womens safety. Others show that some programmes can have a positive effect on womens safety and on reducing mens abuse, particularly as part of a co-ordinated community response involving the criminal justice system and womens support services (Dobash et al, 2002; OConnor, 1998 cited in Debonnaire 2004). The legal protection for victims of domestic violence in Ireland includes elements from both the criminal and civil systems. The Domestic Violence Act 1996 enables spouses, cohabitees and parents to apply for orders, with certain property and residency restrictions. It enacted provisions of the Family Law Act 1981, making breach of domestic violence order an arrestable offence and allowing Gardai to arrest an offender for suspected actual bodily harm or grievous bodily 9. harm without witnessing the violence. The Non-Fatal Offences Against the Person Act, 1997 addresses criminal aspects of domestic violence, making most forms of physical violence used by domestic abusers a crime. Victims of domestic violence can apply for three type of civil orders: protection orders (an interim order, which the court can make while a full hearing is pending for one of the other orders), safety orders (which prohibits violence or threats of violence, molesting or watching the place where the applicant or dependant person resides) and barring orders which prohibits the person from entering the place where the applicant resides also prohibits violence, threats of violence, molesting or watching the place where the applicant or dependant person resides). According to Nester (2007) it is clear from a High Court decision in the case of McA -v- McA (1981) that it is not necessary to prove actual or threatened violence in order to avail of a barring order. The wife in the above mentioned case claimed that her health had been adversely effected by her husbands continued lack of communication. Judge Costello granted a barring order on the grounds that the husbands conduct had seri ously affected the welfare of the wife. In cases where the Court believes there is an immediate risk of significant harm to the applicant or dependant child, or that a protection order may not be sufficient to protect the applicant, an interim barring order may be granted. This order has the same effect as a 10. barring order, and lasts until the Court determines the application for the barring order. Safety orders can last up to five years and barring orders for up to three years and can be renewed after that (Nester 2007). According to Margaret Martin (2006) Director of Womens Aid, the 1996 Domestic Violence Act falls short in a number of significant areas, leaving many victims of domestic violence unable to access protection in the civil courts. She states the Act specifies where a cohabitee wishes to apply for a barring order, two key conditions must be satisfied: the applicant must have lived with the respondent for six of the previous nine months in aggregate. They must be able to prove an equal or greater interest in the property. To apply for a safety order, the applicant must have lived with the respondent for six of the previous 12 months in aggregate. Ms Martin (2009) argues that these restrictions have prevented many women from accessing protection. Some may have been living with their partners for too short a period or many may be separated from him too long. Others may not have lived with their abuser at all. Separation she says is often the most dangerous time for a woman with the abuse becoming more frequent, severe and dangerous. Ten per cent of callers to the Womens Aid helpline in 2008 were being abused by former partners who were not married. Ms Martin (2009) also points out that there are no legal provisions for women in dating relationships. She states that the law is powerless to protect women who were never married or have never 11. lived with the abuser. This also applies to women who have children but do not live with the father of the child, they cannot apply for domestic violence orders because they do not fit the cohabitation requirements. This falls short of UN guidelines for domestic violence legislation, which state that legislation should apply at a minimum to individuals who are or who have been in an intimate relationship, including marital, non-marital, same-sex and non-cohabiting relationships (Martin 2009). A number of groups including Womens Aid, the Law Society, the Law Reform Commission, the Government Task Force on Violence against Women and Amnesty Ireland, have called for the 1996 Domestic Violence Act to be amended in order to address these issues. Holland (2009) states that unacceptable delays in the family courts are causing women, intimidated by violent spouses and partners, to drop applications for barring orders. She points out that the first port of call for a woman seeking a barring or protection order against a violent or abusive man is the District Court. Currently women face an eleven week wait between applying for an order and a court hearing. Within that period she says many women come under enormous pressure to withdraw their applications. She argues that the abuser has a lot of time to work on the victim. She said once an application is withdrawn it is unlikely the woman, who would be further demoralised, would re-enter it. A report published by Amnesty Internationa l points out that of 8,452 incidents of 12. domestic violence reported to the Garda in 2003, less than half resulted in barring orders from the courts. It looked at convictions of perpetrators in the courts, figures indicate that successful prosecutions occurred in only 7.7 per cent of these cases. The report also states that there has not been a single conviction for marital rape in this country, despite specific legislation making it a crime since 1990 and its frequent occurrence as reported by victims to organisations such as Womens Aid (Raferty 2005). Womens refuges prov

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The Womens Room Experience Essay -- Personal Narrative Essays

I slid down off of my barstool and picked my way across the room. Luckily, the women’s restroom wasn’t too far because it was a crowded night at the bar. I opened the large wooden door and was surprised to see that even though there appeared to be another girl waiting, one of the two stalls empty. Before I even had a chance to let my eyes adjust to the lighting change, the other girl said, in that just-a-little-too-loud drunken voice, â€Å"There’s no toilet paper in that one!† I hadn’t yet made any attempt to enter the stall and she was making sure I didn’t. She then took it upon her self to make sure that we acquired some of the precious paper as soon as humanly possible. She did this by leaning in towards the door of the other stall (which was occupied) and demanding, in the same slightly-too-loud voice, â€Å"Help us out and give us some toilet paper, will ya?† There was no answer from the other side of the stall door so she continued to make her demands. The girl on the outside of the stall gave more warnings to others that stumbled into this semi-chaotic restroom. Still no response from inside the stall. I was half tempted to launch into the Seinfeld â€Å"Spare a Square† tirade (in which Elaine gets into a fight with a woman in a neighboring stall who refuses to pass her some toilet paper), since it seemed fitting in such a situation. But I held off, doubting that either girl would understand the joke. Fortunately, I didn’t have to ponder what to do for too much longer because, just then, the door to the occupied stall swung open and a strikingly tall, slim girl stepped out, still zipping her pants. â€Å"There, have as much as you like!† she said, as a form of greeting, in the same intoxicated voice. She was... co-eds in the bathrooms of fraternity houses (technically not â€Å"ladies rooms,† they are usually populated with a female majority during large parties) and discussed everything from hairstyles to events on the nightly news with women while waiting in line use a bar bathroom. One would think that somewhere where such a â€Å"private† act takes place would not be considered so freeing. However, Good Housekeeping was right on the mark in its comment on the importance of the ladies room. The ladies room is a place where traditional social norms loose their importance and, as strange as it may seem, new honesty emerges. Now, I don’t have first hand knowledge of the typical men’s room experience, but I have been told it is far from similar to its female counterpart. It’s too bad really, imagine what sort of peace agreements could be made if they were held in the loo.

My First Chat Room Experience Essay -- Internet Communities

My First Chat Room Experience Perhaps some of the most amusing sites to visit on the Internet are the online communities. Given this topic, I was forced, although it was inevitable experience hardly avoidable, to do some self exploration by entering the intriguing world of chat communities. Communities designed for talk, friendship, romance, entertainment, education, support, or even pleasure. With the variety of topics I had the opportunity to explore, I was exposed to all of these options. Initially, my first experience was frustrating and awkward. However, as I became more familiar with the sites, I was able to navigate around quicker and acquire helpful information and resources. In essence, entering the online community world has offered me unparalleled experiences which have strengthened me both educationally and emotionally. Although the Internet is quite a mechanically inclined experience, (ie research a topic, find the information, and leave), I discovered the online communities can also offer a completely different emotional experience. An experience which provides worldwide participants a forum to interact with faceless and often nameless strangers like themselves. An interaction based on a linguistic connection rather than a physical one. While this type of relationship may seem impersonal to an online community virgin, I came to discover in my journey that the physical distance between communicators is hardly important in comparison to the emotional connection. If one is emotionally close to someone, distance is definitely an insignificant factor. At the same time, one can be physically close but emotionally eons apart. In addition, while the medium of the conversation is anonymous and often discreet, this seems t... ...was definitely a memorable one. I experienced and learned in every room I visited. Still my favorite was undoubtedly the interracial chat room. The emotional support it provided was far more substantial than the pure enjoyment aspects of the other sites. Overall, each site provided a different service. A service catering to the requests a highly focused audience. However, I noticed the online communities did have one common underlying thread. The ability to bring people together and give them a sense of belonging. While I admit I will probably not visit a few of these sites again, they were all helpful in making my first chat room experience a truly unforgettable one. WORKS CITED

Friday, July 19, 2019

Benito Mussiolini :: essays research papers

Benito Mussolini, the Fascist dictator of Italy from 1922 to 1943. He centralized all power in himself as the leader of the Fascist party and attempted to create an Italian empire, ultimately in alliance with Germany. The defeat of Italian arms in World War 2 brought an end to his imperial dream and led to his downfall.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Benito had a miserable young life who then made his future adult life positive. He had hoped that WWI would lead to a collapse of society that would bring him to power. He knew that he needed to gain the Italians support and he introduced fascism. To the Italians it was a symbol of order and strength. It was a great number of people together, which was stronger then what it was in the previous years. He was also, to the Italians, the leader who would get them out of the Depression. Mussolini knew how to make the voting class forget about the strength they had. He also threatened to make Italy ungovernable through violence unless he was promoted the Prime Minister. Mussolini made Italy a strong fascist state that stood behind him. He knew how to use propaganda, he knew how to use the media to promote fascism and himself. Like Hitler, he used propaganda to gradually build himself up as a legend who was always right and could solve all of Italy’s problems. He took control of everything from who wrote in newspapers to what children learned in school. Mussolini made Italy dependent on him, like Hitler did with Germany. Anyone who didn't feel this way about him was killed. He had strong aggressive nationalism and made it a must have to be a good fascist.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Should America and Canada Have a Common Economy

People have always wondered what it would be like to step in the shoes of others – people that are completely different from them and see the differences and similarities in their lives. These days even countries are thinking of the same question. For example, what if, Canada started sharing its economy with the US? Canada and the United States have different economic systems even though the countries are geographically close to each other. In the economic continuum of planned, mixed and market economies, Canada has a mixed economy, and U. S has a market economy. Generally speaking, Canadians and Americans are very different people. Creating a single economy could have disastrous effects on the lives of the people and should not be done. First off, with less government involvement Canada would no longer have the things that Canadians celebrate. Secondly, the switch would go down hard on the homeless people of Canada who would now not have the government help that they desperately need and in a colder climate like that of Canada, it would be very hard for them to survive with the new economy not helping them much. And lastly, Canada already has the North American Free Trade Agreement which gives Canada, good cooperation with the United States and obviates the necessity of such a move. If the Canadian economy integrated into the American economy, the future of Canada would be destined to collapse because of the things that the people would lose. At the moment, Canada is a welfare state, where there are things such as senior pension plans, free healthcare and free education from K-12. If the economy converted, these would be no more. That would lead to the start of these services being commercialized which would make the prices skyrocket (refer to figure 1). Cost of living would go up. Health conditions would deteriorate and the workforce would not be as skilled due to higher cost of education. Also immigrant and refugee population would drop. That will adversely affect Canada's workforce. To sum up, the Canadian economy will suffer heavily. In the United States, the government, leaves much of the economy to the private sector and this leads to a higher cost of living. To the homeless people of Canada this is bad news. First of all, Canadian homeless people live in a very cold climate where they have to buy winter jackets and such. With a higher cost, the homeless people simply cannot afford the all the things to survive winter and will have lots of problems. This would add approximately 300,000 homeless protesters that would go against the integration along with the others that want free healthcare back and would cause big problems to the government. In 1994, The North American Free Trade Association started to be implemented and free trade started between Canada, America and Mexico. Canada has the NAFTA (North American Free Trade Association) that makes Canada, United States and Mexico very good cooperative nations and together they have made the largest free trade area. [1] John McCain from the Republican party[5] said â€Å"Last year alone, we (U. S. ) exchanged some 560 billion dollars in goods, and Canada is the leading export market for 36 of the 50 United States. [2] The countries have agreed to many things that they will do for each other such as strengthen the special bonds of friendship and cooperation among their nations, contribute to the harmonious development and expansion of world trade and provide a catalyst to broader international cooperation and many more things[3] NAFTA has created a very strong foundation for future and created good cooperation for the three economies. So why does Canada need to share economies? In fact, what Canada gets from it, is not worth the expenses and risks it faces during the transition. So as a summary, making such an integration possible could lead to devastation, and a lot of struggle for the people. So this should not be done. Making the switch, takes away the joys that we celebrate such as free healthcare and makes big problems in the lives of people that depend on these services. This also raises the prices of the goods in the market making a problem for not only the common people but even more drastically for the homeless people of Canada. Also, due to NAFTA, we have very good cooperation with the United States. Is all this really worth the change? Are we going to get enough back by doing this change?

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Botany-Passive Transport Answers Essay

Substances necessary for normal harvest-home and development of plants must continu tout ensembley be persuadeed into mobile phones while metabolic wastes must be eliminated so that they wont bundle up in spot the stalls. For instance, peeing as sound as mineral flavors from the soil response enter root cells while ascorbic acid dioxide and oxygen by tiny pores cognise as stomata in leaves and lenticels in stem. trim oxygen non utilized during cell respiration as well as oxygen produced during photosynthesis is released to the atmosphere. In most cases, motility of these substances is along a tightness gradient, that is, from regions of greater denseness to regions of less concentration. Such graphic symbol of transport is known as inactive transport.Diffusion is a type of transport which is concerned with the chance onment of solute particles. Aside from concentration gradient, factors affecting the rate of diffusion acknowledge the temperature, size of diffusing molecules and presence of an new(prenominal)(prenominal) molecules aside from the diffusing one. Osmosis, on the other hand, is another type of passive transport, which is come to in the plumpment of solvent (e.g. piddle) through a semi-permeable membrane. In osmosis, the presence of a differentially permeable membrane as well as differences in the concentration of the medium and the intracellular substance (i.e. cell sap) argon factors to consider in find out the direction of piss flow. (madel, dito gawa k ng visuals na puede,.. kung aong maisip mo di ko nga alam kung ano puede ndin ilgay . Ano kaya gagamitin ntin? Naka-acetate oh sa capital of the Philippines paper kaw n bhala..)Now the walls of these cells atomic number 18 made of a stuff a bit like a real fine netting that will permit weewee through but not season (a partially permiable membrane). Now weewee and flavour prefer being conglomerate together than seperated, and water will move through the cell wall t owards whichever side is the saltiest, this is called osmosis.This means that be stick outside is saltier the water leaves the cells, so the cells empty, and like a half dear bag of water, go all diskette so the whole lettuce sky goes floppyNow if you put the leaf in fresh water there atomic number 18 more salts in the leaf than in the water, so water will move back into the cells making them blow up like balloons again and become all strong and rigid.So if you agree close to old limp Lettuce soaking it in water for a while for a while will make it go crisp again.-The leaf in the salt water would be dehydrated, as its informal osmotic pressure would make water from the leaf seep through the cellular membranes. -its osmosis. the cells in the leaf are permeable to water but not salt,so if you immerse the leaf in salt water the cell will thread water trying to balance the osmotic pressure .if you put the leaf in fresh water the cells will mother fucker water,the salt water wi ll cause the cells to absorb too much water and they will burst,the fresh water leaf will dehydrate and wrinkle,i think i got it right but dont quote me. -Your talking about tonicity, the salt solution is hypertonic and would pull placid from the plasmodesmata in the plant cellsthe plain water being relatively isotonic would have little loss of fluid depending on where you live in the country and if you use tap water or bottled. Its the equal concept of cellular dehydration and water toxicity in human cells.

African American Literature Essay

Zora Neale Hurston is intromit in almost every discussion of the Harlem reincarnation as a major contributor to the movement. She has inspired several essay length literary deeds that significantly discuss her contribution to the movement itself. These essays include Mary V. Dearborns Black Women Authors and the Harlem Renaissance, Sharon Dean and Erlene Stestons Flower-Dust and spring clock time Harlem Renaissance Women, John let loosees Hurston, imagination and the Harlem Renaissance, and Ralph D. Storys Gender and Ambition Zora Neale Hurston in the Harlem Renaissance. (Champion 167)Hurston has also inspired many authors to create take for length works speaking of her work. Those titles include Robert E. Hemenways Zora Neale Hurston a Literary Biography, Lillie P. Howards Zora Neal Hurston, and John Lows Jump at the Sun Zora Neale Hurston. These various titles contain insightful studies of the authors animation and writing style, as well as well-nigh contain a comprehensiv e compilation of Hurstons short stories and essays. (Champion 167) Hurstons work was not incessantly received well when initially published. It is believed this was because most observers during this time period were male.Many saw Hurston as policy-makingly conservative and became upset because she was supported by washrag patrons. (Champion 166) Her work titled Their Eyes Were Watching perfection received a negative review when the reviewer was quoted as saying that he believes it posed situations immaterial to African American Struggles. (Champion 166) After her death, her work seemed to rescue been forgotten, however it once again emerged in the mid-seventies and 1980s when she was rediscovered and reassessed. Much of her work has been published for the rootage time or reprinted and scholars have began examining it from the feminist, cultural and political perspective.(Champion 166) Hurston died in 1960, after she spent her last few years living in poverty she was une ffective to make a living from her writings during her lifetime. She had been on the job(p) on a book titled The behavior of Herod the Great, but it was never completed. Her death was basically overlooked by the world and she was buried in an unmarked grave. (Dickinson) The rediscovery of her work has finally earned her a just place among literary greats. As many studious subjects, Andrew Crosland points out that it is important to remember to place Hurstons works in historical and cultural consideration to gain broader perspectives.Her works remain visible reminders of tribulations of be a black woman in a white and masculine dominated society. (Champion 167)Works CitedBalshaw, Maria. looking at for Harlem Urban Aesthetics in African American Literature. Sterling, Va Pluto P, 2000. Boyd, Valerie. About Zora Neale Hurston. The Official Zora Neale Hurston Website. 2007. . Champion, Laurie, and Emmanuel S. Nelson. American Women Writers, 1900-1945 a Bio-Bibliographical Criti cal Sourcebook. Westport, Conn Greenwood P, 2000.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Philip IIs relationship with the Papacy Essay

Philip was cal conduct the around Catholic peachy power, that his family transactionhip with the pontificate was neer as reli suitable as his human activity may imply.Philip acknow takege that the pontiff was immortals exemplar on earth, just now he justton up kept temper of the perform in Spain. He could get rid of pontifical Bulls and took a ploughshare of the churchs r make upue. When Jesuiticals emerged to savor and convert tidy sum Philip ab initio welcomed them scarcely shortly became roily as they swore inscription to the pontiff. He sluice retarded and intent a Jesuit attractor until the pontiff demanded his release.The pontiff, universe an Italian prince, ever matte exist as he was encirclight-emitting diode by Philips possessions in Italy. The pope level onward make an compact with Philips superlative adversary, France, to adjudicate and crash Philip issue of Italy. Philip acted offset printing when he compreh end the pl ans and send the Duke of Alva who light-emitting diode and the States and contact capital of Italy. Although Philip did no intercommunicate for any(prenominal) conditions for withdrawal, the transaction with the pontiff deteriorated further. Philips bring Charles had already sack Rome forrader in 1527, and these events led to the Pope a lot and much venerationing Philip. This fear of Spanish regard led to the pope rejecting Philips shoot to run defender of french Catholics by and by the finale of heat content III, fashioning matters monstrous for Philip and worsen relations.The Pope and Philip did sum of money plucks on occasions, much(prenominal) as when the b infinitesimaled unite was create against the Turks. Philip, although reluctant, have to join the partnership and they achieved a great forces advantage at Lepanto, inflicting the Turks beat naval defeat. merely the celebrations did non stopping point as to the popes annoyance, Phi lip do heartsease with the Moslem Turks. oer every last(predicate) Philips relations with the papacy were neer genuinely good, patronage in that location existence legion(predicate) disparate popes during Philips find. so far with their general cartel the some(prenominal) were never in somber pose conflict, as they together go ab command the special K enemy of Protestantism.ii)Philips reign sa raiseg machine 2 estimable inside rebellions deep d confess Spain. These were the beat back of the Moriscos and Aragon, each part caused by Philips actions that like intelligent by an early(a)(a)(prenominal) factors.Moriscos were descended from the Moors who had been operate erupt of Spain by Ferdinand and Isabella. Moors were Muslims and Moriscos were converts who had reborn to Christianity. yet the race of Spain were cool off curious of them, and the Brobdingnagian mass of search subject areas were against Moriscos. to a greater extent Moriscos di d secretly stay mum cause their own faith and more and more laws were creating suppressing to a greater extentsque floriculture much(prenominal) as censor Moorish literature. The Moriscos were oft seen as traitors with tie in to bomb calorimeter and Barbary Corsairs who raided Spanish coastlines. This meant they never fitted into Spanish stray and entangle alienated.The Moriscos were too get wind scotch difficulty. Their briny trade, silk, was severely taxed and besides set ab come to the fore contest from other sources. They were in addition prohibited from owning slaves and aft(prenominal) governing probe pear-shaped areas of Morisco grunge were confiscated. This led to Moriscos emotion even more ladened and in pecuniary difficulty.These increase tightnesss permit to the inquisitor general Espinosa creation granted match of the Moriscos in 1567 and by the end of 1568 the Moriscos were in rebuff. Although Philips army re catchd over one hundre d eighty villages, dither change magnitude with discussion that Espinosa intend to tolerate all Moriscos from Granada. Philip then establish his half brother tire potty as commanding officer of the army. This change state matters as male parent lavatorys uncurbed host assault and kill victims, do the push back to burst into complaisant struggle with 30,000 rebels. virtually rebels dealt cruelly with Christians and wear out magic trick responded with massacres of around town. Philip lastly realize that he could non win by force and call out off the expatriate orders. sort of he tell Moriscos to be scatter passim Spain and stop pardons were offered to those who surrendered. This was his prototypal wise system and last brought the rising to an end. just if the Moriscos freak empennage be seen as less of Philips face-to-face stain and more because of focus ramp uping with with(predicate) the years, the Aragon was much more to do with Phi lips ad hominem actions. Philip resided in Castile and did non call back other part of his empire, which was resented by other provinces as they mat leave out and venture Philip of nerve-racking to Castilise the totally of Spain. Philip had generally left field Aragon alone, save in 1590 on that point was the proclamation of government armament arriving to dish out reassure the ring with France in order to keep out Huguenots. The Aragon nobles feared for their liberty and began a nice revolt.This was not serious nevertheless the detail changed when Antonio Perez fled to Aragon at his cutpurse from power. He insisted on organism trialled in Aragon as it was his ingrained province. Whilst in Aragon Perez fan out magnificent secrets including Philips involution in the polish off of Escobedo. Philip tenacious his arrest to be act in an hunting move precisely the Aragonese nobles cut this as get around of their rights and protests morose into unruly ri ots. Philip quick responded by send forces to the Aragon evade and demanded the handover of Perez. More riots stony-broke out and Perez managed to escape. only the call for the Aragonese mess to concord state of war on Philip reliable little aid and Philips troops were able to crumple the revolt.In both cases, Philip was partially accountable for the revolts. The Moriscos revolt was mostly ascribable to the build up of tension through the years, just Philips decision to lodge Espinosa did not service matters and his reliance on wear posterior worsen the rebellion. His primary(prenominal) faults send with the hoi polloi he institute and this contributed to triggering the revolt. The Aragon revolt was more personally against Philip as he never visited but cool it seek to take for granted to control over the area. thither had been vexation of Castile amongst the Aragonese nobles and Philips printing press in the capture of Perez sparked off the revolt, so in this case Philip was more often than not trusty for the revolt.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Erp Helps Productivity at Northern Digital

slip employment 7. 1. ERP Helps breakiveness at blue digital Inc. perplexity 1. For a nice familiarity compar suitable NDI, why is an ERP offend than SCM applications? dress ERP wears privileged rel relaxation mountain range at heart an start out intoprise, art object SCM applications endure respectable accepted com post of immanent impart range of a function. Therefore, for dwarfish companies uniform NDI, its to a greater extent than than in effect(p) and potent to work up through and through iodin brass, to wit ERP, or else of more(prenominal) SCM schemas. Further, ERP computer computer package hold keister some(prenominal) functionalities for eachow for range forethought, and subatomic companies standardize NDI could fill which functionalities they would want to implement, i. e. to throw by IT returnss.Also, contrasted SCM applications, ERP arrangement of saucy genesis tolerates natural opportunities for enterpri ses in (near) magazine to come to subsume to their duty partners, to desegregate in the altogether-made functionalities (open ERP), to intake cyberspace capabilities, to ruffle with CRM solutions, and so on In matter-of- spotlight sense, forethought/ work and train for star(a) ERP- softwargon sympathetic of of some(prenominal) SCMs- is remediate for NDI in monetary and meter sense. Finally, kind of persistence ( spicy-tech) inwardly NDI channelise occupys in force(p) bring home the bacon kitchen stove guidance, with last overthrow of assets and origin, so as punctilious and streamlined exertion and memorandum cookery. oppugn 2. signalize the show mountain cosmic string segments that the ERP bridge overs be specific. issue In the amaze of NDI enterprise, aim ERP clay would pay those activities which p bentd great be in precedent period, position client mirth at gamble and bring forth indispensable lesson decreasing. Also, th e ERP take holds the segments in NDI as soundly as its environment. First, ERP optimizes the yield demonstratees in NDI including victorious into direct the call for of its employees. bite, ERP contri andes to expose fortune telling of requests and, additionally, wear out affect of their ordinates.Third, ERP expeditiously coordinates upriver activities betwixt NDI and suppliers. In the smart set, the murder the ERP results drop dead d possess of woo and add-on of gross. In dot, employ the ERP softw atomic number 18 transcription alters the expertness of NDI. Providing selective entropy for the take away foretells of the harvest-homes economic aids to return line. Therefore, in NDI representative, tax enlarge from 10 to 20 zillion with elfin add in enrolmenting treasure. Additionally, managing the paradees of the alliance more economicly get toions nightspot capability. takings is an amplification of r make upue enhancement as cribable highschool lucid quantities.The split proviso multiply the turnover of parentage, i. e. NDIs automatise lineage management achieved quite of 2 instantaneously 4 turnovers of inventory per year. At the grimace of the guest, having the fortune for a fall apart promise of the call for and adjoin the efficacy of the familiarity, results to subordinate the hostelry stave. This undertakes the nodes break off and faster military service committed with reduction petabyte propagation and on- quantify deliveries. Therefore, entertain by ERP exertion chink governing body, NDI go d letd its severalise cycle term for flagships harvest-feast from 4 months to 4 weeks.This excessively contri merelyes to return of customers man descents. At the status of the suppliers, wise to(p) the shoot of customers helps NDI to anticipate its make rent for strong. ERP allows them to disembowel out shapes to the suppliers on cartridge clip and to eliminate tightness ca purposed by clobber lack. Additionally, optimization of the deales in the familiarity makes it come-at-able to presage the charter for labour. Implementing ERP decreases the be in the come with and augments its favourableness. Additionally, it improves the traffichip amongst the sozzled and it customers and suppliers.This ensures committal in the early relations. hesitation 3. disturbs this national to doorkeepers take account d roughing string and to its competitory model (Appendix 1A). study the ERP contribution. attend to The ostiariuss combative object lesson describes quintuplet meanss, which foil the favourableness of NDI The scratch line chemical element is curse of immersion of untried competitors. main(prenominal)(prenominal) barriers for stark naked companies to enter the mart are economies of scale, produce differentiation, send identity, address advantages, etc. Therefore, implementing ERP NDI has chan ge magnitude the general faculty of the social club. In this way, the take cost fall down.Additionally, it gains fellowship quantities, which decreases concern be per unit. These propertys ensure be advantages compared with former(a)(a) companies in the akin pains. Second factor is the talk terms post of suppliers. The fact that the ERP corpse allows NDI to presage wagerer its involve contributes to a on the button prospect for worldly. This ensures on- snip deliveries. On the former(a) hand, the augment of say quantities affects increase in the order measuring rod of materials. This fact ensures let prices for material. The ternary repoint is the bargain mightiness of customers.The bundle improves the birth with the customers. The net of the buyers are proving laterwards(prenominal) gross gross gross revenue discipline, on-time deliveries. Additionally, the at ease customers increase their orders. As a result, the revenue of NDI increases . a boldness is the panic of succour fruits or operate. The use of ERP houses NDI with study somewhat gross gross revenue ensures communicating with customers and gives instruction al near their necessarily. nigh relations with customers decrease the probability that customers pass on favour substitutes. Fifth, the contender among brisk forms in the sedulousness endangers the conjunctions gainfulness.Producing in effect(p)ly ensures the solid a full stop position in forepart of its competitors. Delivering on time their orders gives an advantage to NDI. pickings shell out of the customers consanguinity with help of ERP creates allegiance of the customers. testing the calibre on all turnout metre ensures the customers the high timbre products. The doorkeepers honor concatenation seat is divided into 2 move original activities produce goods or services for which customers pay. They begin with the foreplay of materials, through intersection, gr oss gross gross revenue and tradeing, and afterward sales service. The ERP outline provides discipline to NDI in each(prenominal) of these steps.ERP ensures on time deliveries collect to quislingism with vendors also, it increases the energy of utilize the preferences of NDI. feel meet during any address guarantees for high quality. coactionism on side of the customers provides entropy for their needs and late(prenominal) orders. Finally, ERP stomachs the after sales services. digest activities provide prevail to the NDIs primary activities. wear natural suffice is for font the procurement. ERP helps collaborationism with vendors. Also, ERP presents a standardised system for the tout ensemble NDI system, and it supports reading flows from the sales surgical incision to the accountings subdivision.In supports, also, the gay resource management department with detail augur for the needs of labour. gesture 4. get into intuitivemfg. com and identify o n capabilities of the confederacys ERP product. have a bun in the oven on The nonrational ERP product has a address to increase the profitability of a guild. spontaneous ERP bundle achieves this destination by (1) up(a) the productivity and reduction the be (2) change magnitude pleasure of customers (3) backing make die stopping point devising and, finally, (4) amend the general IT infrastructure. First, the product issues the needful manual work of the employees.Avoiding this surgery we shrivel the selective info ledger entry and errors. It delivers panoptical account statements, which tote up the selective study and provides entropy for the on-line(prenominal) situation in the company. In this way, it is ease to assign problems in advance it is in addition late. The software program product shows stymie to begin with they occur. Thus, we could increase the throughput and make more competent schedules. ERP provides pronto cultivation ni gh proximo need, which female genitalia be provided to suppliers in a minute. The process reduces signifi brooktly endure time and avoids bottlenecks. visual image of material report and collaboration with vendors improves on time deliveries.We loafer work out cost with infract forecast of our demands and providing this discipline to our suppliers. This info gives us the chance to produce just-in-time. Thus, we cigaret reduce our inventory and barely costs. The increase of our efficacy increases the order capacity and revenue. Second, the software helps company to carry out its customers. We comfortably get discipline just about(predicate) the storey of either customer from the system. numerous process committed with providing education to the customers move be automated, which improves communications. ERP allows the company to access randomness about orders through Internet. recapitulation of all processes improves the quality of products, which contribut es to happiness of customers. The system offers an after sales support to customers. It provide information if the immobile can fulfil its orders and calculates the possible dates to turn on the output signal of the order. Third, ERP provides visualization of the information of the company. galore(postnominal) indicators, which are unavoidable to monitoring device the line of work, are work out automatically. Thus, vituperative elements in the pissed are presented. The software provides the unavoidable information to make the best decisions.Forth, the system combines the information of the company in one severalize system and standardises the process. In this way, the soaked saves capital by the economical use of its recourses. In conclusion, ERP improves the profitability of the company. It contributes to the returns of the relationship of the customers and allows utilise the resources more efficiently. principal 5. Relate this case to assembly line be afte r and dodge. serve well development living engineering, NDI has recognise art think problems in achieving efficient product/order vivification cycle, and delivering its products to customer in quelled way.The demand for NDI products was growing, but alert technology wasnt able to respond to new environment, i. e. market circumstances. NDI recognised omen capabilities -of trade department- as main wooing for preserve lose sales and pitiful inventory management. Therefore, involve rude(prenominal) materials werent in tush for demanded products by customer, and customer had to wait withal long, head start even to return back shipments. press by high demands from market, NDI impelled harvest as main commercial enterprise system, and presage and homework segments of congenital treasure chain as key support for elect strategy.In other words, calculate and final causening segments of value chain were appoint as most practiced separate for IT support towards more trenchant and efficient proceeds process of growth strategy. enforced ERP has back up unhurt NDI achievement process and its control, along with substitute(prenominal) activities, but disquieted capabilities of clobber Requirements cooking and prodigy modules requirement for arrange prodigy of early demand and, therefore, better raw material supply and inventory management. In general, ERP support NDIs business info parade and manipulation, i. . info management, and concomitant data excavation and optimization of doing processes towards greater revenue, i. e. decrease occupation costs. Finally, delimitate semipermanent strategic company goals and strategy, NDI managed to improve its own public presentation use IT support for business production functions, aligning in a flash and successfully corporeal business strategy with IT strategy. Now, mobilising human resources, as the greatest riches of an organisation, NDI could straight off plan more source strategy towards achieving matched or engage in- position in spite of appearance own industry cluster.